Call (preferable)
Go to:
Enter your zip code on the left. You will get three names with three phone numbers to call
Below is a sample script that you can use while calling. Please feel free to add any details to this, such as additional reasons why the U.S. should continue to support Ukraine and why this issue is important to you. You can use this script for both speaking with a staffer or leaving a voicemail.
Hello! My name is [your name] and I live in [city, state]. My zip code is [zip code].
I am a Ukraine supporter. Recently a bicameral and bipartisan bill was introduced to create a more constructive framework for US-Ukraine relations over the next 10 years, and make aid for Ukraine both more efficient and predictable. I'm calling to ask [representative's name] to co-sponsor the Stand with Ukraine Act, [HR 9501 if calling a Representative, S 4992 if calling a Senator]. Thank you.
Feel free to improvise and don't be nervous. Calling may seem stressful at first, but it's really easy.
You can call weekly or even every day. Calling regularly is very effective because it tells the representative that you're organized and dedicated. Aides tally all calls, but they take particular note of people who call regularly. The biggest threat to a representative during elections are enthusiastic constituents with a grudge. Your voice matters.
If you are sure you cannot call (a call is worth 20 letters but a letter is still better than nothing), you can do this:
Go to and enter your address to get your representatives.
Write the letter, you can title it: Co-Sponsor Stand with Ukraine Act
Your support for Ukraine is a key issue for me as a constituent. Recently a bicameral and bipartisan bill was introduced to create a more constructive framework for US-Ukraine relations over the next 10 years. The Stand with Ukraine Act would:
- Prioritize excess U.S. defense article transfers to Ukraine
- Fast-track Foreign Military Financing (FMF) sales to Ukraine
- Treat Ukraine as a major non-NATO ally for the purpose of defense article transfers
- Ratify the Bilateral Security Agreement made in June 2024 between the US and Ukraine
- Reauthorize the Ukraine Democracy Lend-Lease Program
Not only would this make aid for Ukraine more efficient and predictable, but it would signal to Russia and China that America will not abandon its allies. I ask that you act as my voice in government and co-sponsor HR 9501 / S 4992.
Thank you.
The category is usually International Affairs.
updated Oct 3, 2024